To filter FreeSWITCH CLI running calls log, you can use the built-in command show channels concise followed by a pipe (|) and the grep command. Here’s how you can do it: Open the FreeSWITCH…
Salman Chawhan
Salman Chawhan
With a deep passion for technology and over 8 years of experience, I have built a successful career as a skilled professional specializing in IT infrastructure, system administration, and voice communication systems. I have had the privilege of serving in key roles such as Technical Operations Manager and Voice President, where I led the planning, implementation, and management of complex technical environments, including Amazon AWS, VOIP, Freeswitch, and Free PBX. I am also the creator of TechnTrick, a blog aimed at supporting IT professionals with practical tutorials, expert advice, and in-depth resources on a wide range of technologies. My goal is to make complex IT concepts accessible to all, helping others navigate and master the ever-evolving landscape of technology.
Monitoring Calls with FreeSWITCH CLI: A Comprehensive Guide
The FreeSWITCH Command-Line Interface (CLI) provides powerful tools for monitoring and managing calls in your FreeSWITCH server. Whether you’re troubleshooting, gathering statistics, or simply keeping an eye on your system,…
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How to Back Up and Restore MongoDB Simple 2 command MongoDB mongodump –> For dump all mongodbmongorestore –> For restore all mongodb You can also specify the –host and –port…
PostgreSQL Backup Database and restore How to backup and restore Database * Postgres dump all the Database pg_dumpall dumps all databases in given PostgreSQL installation. Everything goes there. Additionally, it…
Redis Server Migration with Data on another Linux server Copy all files on main server under /var/lib/redis Install redis-server on new serverafter installation stop the redis service systemctl status redis-serversystemctl…
1st Download AWS Cli Exe file After Install AWS Cli Open Command PromptRun –> aws configureand enter IMA User AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key 2 Method…
Note: Replace with you domain sudo su pm2 install pm2-healthvim ~/.pm2/module_conf.json {“pm2-logrotate”: {“max_size”: “500M”,“retain”: “200”,“compress”: “true”,“dateFormat”: “YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss”,“workerInterval”: “30”,“rotateInterval”: “* * * * 30”,“rotateModule”: “true”},“module-db-v2”: {“pm2-logrotate”: {},“pm2-health”: {}},“pm2-health”: {“smtp”: {“host”:…
#start the following Windows services in the specified order: [Array] $Services = ‘MailService’,’SpamAssassin’,’OpenVPNServiceInteractive’,’Certify.Service’,’Schedule’; #loop through each service, if its not running, start it foreach($ServiceName in $Services){$arrService = Get-Service -Name $ServiceNamewrite-host…
Managing disk space is a crucial task for system administrators and Linux users, especially when handling large amounts of data. Knowing how to check disk usage and file sizes helps…