ISPConfig is a popular open-source website hosting panel known for being a free alternative to cPanel. It provides a wide range of features for managing websites, databases, DNS, and more.…
Salman Chawhan

Salman Chawhan
With a deep passion for technology and over 8 years of experience, I have built a successful career as a skilled professional specializing in IT infrastructure, system administration, and voice communication systems. I have had the privilege of serving in key roles such as Technical Operations Manager and Voice President, where I led the planning, implementation, and management of complex technical environments, including Amazon AWS, VOIP, Freeswitch, and Free PBX. I am also the creator of TechnTrick, a blog aimed at supporting IT professionals with practical tutorials, expert advice, and in-depth resources on a wide range of technologies. My goal is to make complex IT concepts accessible to all, helping others navigate and master the ever-evolving landscape of technology.
Managing MySQL on a Linux server involves creating users who can access and manage databases. Each user can have specific permissions to ensure data security. In this guide, we’ll walk…
rem This script is fired from Task Scheduler will check connectivity to VPN -n 10 | findstr /r /c:”Reply from d.d.d.d.* bytes=d.time[<=]d. TTL=d*” && goto :finished:runrem be sure…
Note: domainname —> replace with you domain name sudo apt remove postfix && apt purge postfixsudo apt install sendmailcd /etc/mailmkdir -m 700 -p /etc/mail/authinfonano /etc/mail/authinfo/authinfoadd line in that fileAuthInfo: “”…
Before redirection, we need SSL Certificate.For creating a free SSL Certificate Download Win-Acme it will automatically bind the certificate in IIS.Before generating certificate add-website under IIS for HTTP 1] Download…
Install Postgresql Install PgAdmin4
This guide will walk you through the process of creating a bootable installation media for Ubuntu Tools and Materials USB drive Ubuntu OS Download iso file Image writing software (e.g.,…
At the heart of this defense lies a fundamental component: IP address security. Let’s delve into this crucial aspect of cybersecurity, demystifying concepts like Static, Dynamic, IPv4, IPv6, VPNs, Local…
Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes when you type a URL into your browser’s address bar? It’s a seemingly simple action, but it sets off a chain…
In an era where online security is non-negotiable, encrypting data transmitted between web servers and users is imperative. Let’s Encrypt, a trusted Certificate Authority (CA), provides a seamless solution for…