Note: Replace with you domain sudo su pm2 install pm2-healthvim ~/.pm2/module_conf.json {“pm2-logrotate”: {“max_size”: “500M”,“retain”: “200”,“compress”: “true”,“dateFormat”: “YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss”,“workerInterval”: “30”,“rotateInterval”: “* * * * 30”,“rotateModule”: “true”},“module-db-v2”: {“pm2-logrotate”: {},“pm2-health”: {}},“pm2-health”: {“smtp”: {“host”:…
Linux Server Administration
Managing disk space is a crucial task for system administrators and Linux users, especially when handling large amounts of data. Knowing how to check disk usage and file sizes helps…
Simple scp command you can user to copy files one server from another server 1St go to directory which you need to copy ex: you need to copy /etc/copyfoldername cd…