Salman Chawhan

ISPConfig is a popular open-source website hosting panel known for being a free alternative to cPanel. It provides a wide range of features for managing websites, databases, DNS, and more. However, many companies prefer to debrand ISPConfig to give the control panel a customized look that matches their brand. In this guide, we’ll show you how to debrand the ISPConfig panel by modifying the login page and header with your company’s details.

Step 1: Debranding the index.html Page

To start, you’ll need to modify the default index.html file that controls the branding of the panel’s login page.

  1. Access the directory where the template files are stored:
cd /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/index
  1. Once inside the directory, you’ll find all the templates and files for the ISPConfig login page. You can modify the index.html file to match your company’s branding. Feel free to add custom text, images, and other elements that reflect your brand.

Editing the index.html File

You can open the index.html file with any text editor (e.g., nano or vi) and customize it as per your design requirements. Replace the default ISPConfig branding with your own company information, images, and footer.

Step 2: Adding Your Company Logo to ISPConfig

If you want to replace the default ISPConfig logo with your company’s logo on the login page and header, follow these steps:

1. Prepare Your Logo

Ensure that your company logo is in SVG format. The SVG format is required because it is scalable and lightweight, making it ideal for web use.

2. Extract the Logo Code

  • Right-click on the logo file and open it in a text editor like Notepad.
  • Copy the SVG code for the image.

3. Insert the Logo in ISPConfig

To replace the logo on the ISPConfig login page and header, you will need to insert the SVG code into the ISPConfig database.

  1. Connect to your ISPConfig database using your preferred method (e.g., MySQL command line or a database management tool like phpMyAdmin).

    mysql -u root -p
  2. Once connected, navigate to the dbispconfig database:

    USE dbispconfig;
  3. Find the sys_ini table:

    SELECT * FROM sys_ini;
  4. Locate the costume_log column and paste your SVG logo code into this field to update the ISPConfig panel with your custom logo.

UPDATE sys_ini SET costume_log='YOUR_SVG_CODE_HERE' WHERE id=1;

Once you’ve completed these steps, the login page and the header of your ISPConfig panel will display your custom company logo.

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